There are lots of books for managers. Loads of them. And loads of other books in the world worth reading. Thousands of them. So, deciding on 9 books for managers was tricky. But these are the books I come back to over and over again – books that have helped me. 9 Books for managers.

When someone jumped on the reading list page, they said they were overwhelmed with the sheer number of books. So, I created this list of 9 books for managers. And they’re not just for managers really – they’re for anyone who wants to become better in business.

They are the books I read each year.

Some of these are books for managers are ones I buy for the people I am coaching or working with. “Essential reading” so to speak.

In the video I explain why each of these books for managers is so interesting, compelling and useful.

Books for managers

So what are these amazing books for managers? (Please note that the links are affiliate links to keep the lights on. You don’t pay any extra) :

  1. Entrepreneur Revolution – Daniel Priestley
  2. School of Greatness – Lewis Howes
  3. How the mighty fall – Jim Collins
  4. John Wooden on Leadership – John Wooden
  5. Growing a Business – Paul Hawken
  6. Freedom from Command and Control – John Seddon
  7. Good Strategy, Bad Strategy – Richard Rumelt
  8. How I raised myself from failure to success in selling – Frank Bettger

Check out the YouTube video for more. And you’ll also find a whole host of other good book recommendations on my reading list page.

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