My name is Rob Lambert. I'm a Leadership and Management Consultant, specialising in helping managers develop their super powers of effective communication and brilliant creativity.

By developing these skills you can solve and overcome the myriad of problems that prevent growth and delivery.

In short: I help managers and leaders Release Business Agility; move smoothly and quickly towards an ambitious future. This requires mastering the art of communication and creative problem solving.
"The future belongs to those who can communicate about it"

Communication Coach and Consultant

I know that by mastering the art of communication, Leaders and Managers can create high-performing companies that are fit for today, and also fit for the future.

My award-winning flagship communication Superpower workshop, delivered over 170 times, is just one way I help leaders and managers shape the future they envision.

I help you move smoothly & quickly towards your ambitious future, whilst cultivating a positive workplace that enriches the lives of all who work in it.

I call this releasing business agility:

  1. Envision and communicate a bright future.
  2. Understand what's stopping you from achieving it.
  3. Build the "team to get it done".
  4. Focus on habits and routines.
  5. Learn.

My services include consultancy, coaching, workshops, seminars and energising talks - these can be found below.

Curator and Writer

I share everything I know to help individuals develop and grow their business and communication skills. I cover the topics of communication, creativity, wellbeing and learning through various mediums.

The Meeting Notes newsletter. The "Here's an idea worth playing with" podcast. The Creative Soul Projects YouTube channel. Books and resources in the Store. Articles on this site.

My Mission is to create an evidence-backed, insightful and accessible learning portal, for people to master the art of communication in the workplace.

Teacher and Trainer

Teaching has been at the heart of all of my career - isn't that what a leader should do - teach others?

The award-winning Communication Skills workshop is available online now. I have a new book coming out about how to run award-winning workshops. I also teach people how to do public speaking in my latest book Zero To Keynote.

There are lots of other books and resources in the store.

“In times of change, learners inherit the earth, while the learned find themselves beautifully equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists.”

Why you shouldn't work with me

  • I am expensive - and effective results (and change) can take time
  • Managers can Release Business Agility themselves, although the journey will be longer (and harder). See this post about Releasing Agility.
  • The journey will be fun, and hard. Some clients aren't trying to create a fun environment.
  • You may not want to balance business results with cultivating a company that enriches the lives of all who work in it. I help with both, some companies only want one.
  • There are no "solutions" to problems, only trade-offs - and some clients don't want to consider the trade-offs.


Here is my CV:

About Rob Lambert and Cultivated Management

Cultivated Management was founded in 2017 to help Leaders and Managers cultivate effective communication skills and weave creativity into everyday work.

My background as a Media Scientist and experienced business leader, led me to the realisation that nearly every business challenge stems from ineffective communication and a lack of creative thinking.

I've served as Vice President of Software Engineering (twice), Vice President of HR, Head of communications and Head of Business Agility.

This background in Internal PR, media production, journalism, leadership, management, agility, HR and corporate communications equips me to break down complex ideas and connect with diverse audiences across various platforms, making communication and creativity my ultimate business tool.

A veteran of the startup world, I've worked with enterprise organisations seeking to enhance business agility (move smoothly and quickly) and startups looking to scale without losing their fast-paced, action-oriented culture.

At Cultivated Management, I fuse my passion for communication science and creativity with a strong business acumen to help organisations move smoothly and quickly towards their ambitious future, and cultivate a workplace that enriches the lives of all who work in it.

I've been helping technology leaders in Telco, Tech, Mobile, Oil and Gas, Energy, Professional Services, HR and Finance for over 10 years now.

A photograph of Rob Lambert reading the book The Art of Noticing
Reading "The Art of Noticing"

About Rob

  • Built a “frighteningly agile” team named “UK top start-ups to watch”.
  • Built a team voted “Best companies to work for 3 years running”.
  • Experienced the "start-up to sale" journey first hand
  • Vice President of HR
  • Vice President of Software Engineering (twice)
  • Vice President of Agility
  • Interim CIO
  • My HR Team was described as the ”least evil HR team ever” (A compliment I believe)
  • CIPD Level 5 HR practitioner (no longer a paid member of CIPD)
  • Blogger, podcaster, keynote presenter, writer
  • Former newspaper editor and journalist
  • Coach and trainer
  • Author of several books on leadership, career management, management, agile and squirrels
  • Husband and Father to three boys
  • Media Scientist obsessed with mixed media storytelling – and fast cars


Creativity – creativity is a core value. We like to create, bring together seemingly disparate ideas and come up with new potential futures. If your company is exceptional, then creativity is essential to stand out. Why copy when you can create? If your company is exceptional, then you should be an exception...
Humour and Playfulness – tied to the above – there’s fun to be had. After all, if we’re not having fun with it – we should be done with it. Better futures rarely manifest without energy, joy and engagement
Appreciation of Excellence – there is excellence all around. We often just need to learn to see it – and then appreciate it. Or create it.
Do no Harm – the advice and support provided through Cultivated Management should lead to no harm if you implement it. There’s some shady advice out there from people who are simply spouting theory – our advice is grounded in evidence.
Critical Thinking – We don't take theories and platitudes on face value. We apply a critical eye to get to the heart and essence of the problem, so the solutions work.
Inclusivity – Rob is HR qualified and spent years as a VP in HR, he therefore blend a bias for action with a bias to cultivate great workplaces. Our work should also be accessible and relevant to a diverse audience.
Curiosity – at the heart of all we do is curiosity. Is there a better way to do something? How does this thing work? How can we get better? What futures are more interesting? Curiosity ripples through all that we share and do.
Accuracy – We show you how we do our work, how we come to conclusions, how we research and how we form the ideas we share. We use data where data exists. We aim to be accurate in all that we share.

Cultivated Charity

We believe ALL organisations exist to serve the greater purpose of society. Cultivated Management is no different.

Each year we donate 5% of all profit from products and affiliate links to charity.

2.5% always goes to Naomi House – a hospice in Winchester for life-limited children and their parents.

The other 2.5% goes to a different charity each year.

  • 2015 – Unicef (complete)
  • 2016 – Pencils of Promise (complete)
  • 2017 – Saving Linnea (complete)
  • 2018 – WWF (complete)
  • 2019 – Naomi House (complete) – Full 5% this year.
  • 2020 – British Heart Foundation (complete)
  • 2021 – Shelter Box (complete)
  • 2022 – Naomi House (complete)
  • 2023 – Become and Naomi House
  • 2024 - Finalising

Thank you for reading this far 😄