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Rob Lambert

Rob Lambert's Work

164 Posts
Rob Lambert
A photo of Rob Lambert facilitating a workshop

Running a training or teaching workshop is not merely a case of turning up and lecturing on what you know - it's about helping other people learn. Here are 11 ideas to get started.

A poster showing a cone suggesting a future

We can never predict the future but we can anticipate it, decide what we want and make plans to create it - here's how.

An old photo of Rob Lambert playing the Banjo in circa 1995

“The ideal business is composed of managers and dreamers, and it is the responsibility of the former to protect the latter.” - here are some ideas to do just that.

A photo of the hotel bar and club in Adeje, Tenerife

5 powerful lessons on management from the hospitality industry.

A diagram of the future on one side of a line and the current reality at the other

Backcasting is simply working backwards from an ambitious future state. In this article I share how to do this - and use a simple grid to plot out a plan.

Man on a bike in Berlin

In this photo essay I share observations from Berlin - and how often what we choose to notice tells us a lot about what interests us.

A photograph of some trees in the woods

There is a myth that geniuses are somehow guided by a spirit - the reality is they're just extremely tuned in to the world around them. Here's how we can do this in the workplace.

A graphic of a megaphone

The 5:15 report is a way of staying connected and understanding what improvements are being made in your team. It's very simple yet powerful.

An image of a jetty and clear water representing clarity

Clarity should be the first goal for all leaders and managers. Without clarity there can be no alignment. And without alignment any action may be misguided.

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