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Rob Lambert

Rob Lambert's Work

165 Posts
Rob Lambert
An image of Rob Lambert sat in the garden with the words "11 Principles of Effective Communicators" overlayed

In this article and video I share the 11 principles of great communicators.

Why business agility is not being released

In this story I cover how a business leader was struggling with an agile transformation and what she could do.

A photo showing a pyramid split into three element

Grow your career by understanding yourself using the trinity of career development - strengths, disc and happiness.

A photo of columns holding up a building

Learn how to balance work and life by understanding the core pillars that underpin who you are.

A photograph of some books

In this post and video I share the 9 books I recommend for new managers.

A cartoon image of a person holding their hand to their ear as though listening

In this post I share the idea that active listening is the greatest compliment you could give someone.

A photograph of people having a meeting

In this article I share some simple advice on how to run effective meetings.

A wide angle photograph of the Fjords in Norway representing a wider awareness

Ideas on how to widen your awareness and become company smart.

A graphic of a phone

In this post I share 10 effective communication tips for managing remote employees.

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