At the start of 2022 I set out to do a pop-up daily newsletter on LinkedIn for the whole of January.

31 days of ideas about the importance of creativity. The newsletter would then vanish in true pop-up style.

However, as with all creative work (as we’ll find out) things didn’t go to plan.

What failed on LinkedIn spurned this free eBook with 30 ideas to build and develop your creativity. (Now 30 as the 31st idea was really just a duplicate).

30 days of creativity

Click for an immediate PDF download of the free guide.


Why did my pop-up newsletter experiment fail?

Well, the LinkedIn platform proved a monumentally bad choice to distribute the newsletter.

The platform simply refused to post somedays. Other days it would post but I couldn’t share it to my subscribers. It would lose drafts. Images wouldn’t show properly. Plus, some people couldn’t turn the notifications off (yet some could!). It was a technical disaster.

An early failure to my creative endeavor.

It failed after just 6 days. Blocked. Unable to post. Fail.

But with all creative attempts there is a chance to learn. A chance to change direction. A chance to pivot. A chance to try something new.

Instead of a pop-up newsletter on LinkedIn, it’s now this free eBook.

I hope you enjoy it.

What's in the free eBook?

  1. Move to think
  2. Get away from the screen
  3. How we plan a podcast – an example of playing professionally
  4. Creativity is learning
  5. Food for your brain
  6. There are ideas and content all around you
  7. Creativity is “you” expressed
  8. Commit to delivery
  9. Don’t let the potential stop you shipping it
  10. Creating is therapy
  11. We all have stories to tell
  12. My analogue and digital process
  13. You need less than you think to get started
  14. Mistakes are a rich source of creativity
  15. Small audiences
  16. Creativity lives at work – you must find it
  17. What’s important to you?
  18. Photography and the art of noticing
  19. The views of the world are always wavering
  20. Listening is learning
  21. Routines matter
  22. This is where I do my work
  23. Building a body of work
  24. Have a quiet word with yourself. Every day.
  25. Hard work lies ahead
  26. Take your time
  27. You’re creating yourself
  28. The innovation stack
  29. The wider your awareness, the more creative you can be
  30. Stocks and Flows and Social Media

30 days of creativity

Click for an immediate PDF download of the free guide.

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