Looking out for others is important. In work. In life. In this excellent video, a collaboration between Common People Films, Calm (Campaign Against Living Miserably), T&P, and The Young Arrows, the difficult topic of mental health is given a fresh, someone comedy treatment, with superb effect.

With mental health challenges on the rise in the workplace, it's important to keep an eye on each other.

This isn't just the responsibility of leaders and managers but on all of us. Keep an eye out. Communicate. Listen. Lend an ear to talk in to, or a shoulder to cry on.

One of the most important things we can realise is that it's not always "business as usual' for some people. Sometimes even showing up to work is a herculean task. Keep an eye on people.

A powerful video about mental health. This is not a drill.

Here's the copy I rustled together for the poster.

our mental health is important. sometimes we don’t want to talk to others. sometimes we feel we have to hold our feelings in. sometimes we just don’t know how, or with who, to share our emotions, feelings and pain. listen to others. communicate. pay attention to the details. spot the clues. listen for the quiet ask. spot what was unheard. keep an eye out for others. none of us are immune to mental health challenges. if you’re concerned about someone, speak to them. speak to calm. find a trusted charity or hotline. keep an eye on each other. it’s the least we could do.


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