LN : Elements of Graphic Design

LN : Elements of Graphic Design

The work I do is 99% of the time organised around communication. You've heard me say time and time again, that 99% of problems in business are due to poor or ineffective communication.

Well, this week's learning note is all about graphic / visual design - and some of the core elements. It's called The Elements of Graphic Design by Alexander W. White. (affiliate link)

I always use visuals to communicate at work - always. Sometimes they are simple diagrams, sometimes images that convey more than words could and sometimes it's an infographic.

Visuals help you to tell stories - and stories move people into action. If you're doing any kind of change at work, use visuals. If you're trying to articulate a complicated idea, use visuals. Visuals really are helpful. So, it pays to know how to create good visuals.

In this book are some basics of what good design is, how to use white space, how all elements should feel like they're on there - and not to make the reader use too much effort digesting the communication, without a good reason for it.

Excellent book covering the basics.

Note: These are my "learning notes" - real notes I create in an A3 notepad for my own learning. I create them for my own growth and only share notes I feel would be relevant to this community.

I use my trusty 4 step Personal Knowledge Management System of capture, curate, crunch and contribute. What you see here is step 4 - contribution.

Contribution is in my own behaviours in my life & the work I do. And contribution is also the sharing of these notes.

This is a good book, also added to the recommended reading list.

Until next time
