My mission with Cultivated Management is to be the most friendly, accessible and insightful source of inspiration and learning for you. We spend over 90,000+ hours at work in our lifetime - I want you to get the best from this time.
On this page are fun zines, useful books, funny diaries, insightful guides and more. Enjoy.

Zero To Keynote
A field guide for the budding conference speaker.
Learn how to overcome the fear of public speaking, go from idea to talk, get your submission accepted, deal with speaker's remorse - and structure, then deliver, a talk worthy of being a Keynote.

Take a Day Off - The Zine
This printed zine/book is a collection of thoughts, stories, poems and ideas about living a good work life.
You'll meet Colin, who never took a day off until his body forced him to. Also Malcolm and his unfortunate encounter with some seagulls. And of course Prickles, the cat that had people clearing up after him.

Join Our Company
In this book I take my years of experience from hiring hundreds of people, and condense it down to a simple field manual for any manager or HR team who are trying to attract the right candidates, convince them to join your company and then on-boarding them with care and dignity.

10 Behaviours of Effective Employees
The 10 behaviours of effective employees is a free eBook for anyone looking to develop positive workplace behaviours, or hire people into a team.
In this ebook I share the 10 behaviours and why they matter.

30 Days of Creative Ideas
This free eBook is the result of a failed creative experiment on LinkedIn.
What was supposed to be a pop-up newsletter, in which, for 30 days, I was going to share an idea about the creative process each day, resulted in this book instead.

Forget Time Management - Energy & Attention is Where It's At
This is a book about energy and attention, not time management.
We all get the same amount of time. No more, nor less, than anyone else.
But we don't all have the same amount of energy and attention.
Some people use their energy and attention wisely, some don't.

How to Survive a Conference
This is a short, free and fun book about looking after yourself at conferences, and getting the most from them

Remaining Relevant and Employable
My first ever eBook with guidance on how to remain relevant and employable.

The Diary of a Manager
Inspired by the legendary Victorian book, The Diary of a Nobody, this is a diary of a manager who becomes a scape goat for a bad company.
This book is a fun way to explore what are serious topics. Topics that, here at Cultivated Management, we believe need addressing through better management and HR, clearer communication and the focus on building companies that enrich the lives of all who work in them.

The A-Z of Agility
There are plenty of models, theories and cults surrounding "agile" - in this fun poster, and associated article, I share my views on Business Agility and why it's not an end goal to strive for.