Projects and Store

Hi and welcome to the Cultivated Projects and Store.

On this page you will find useful free downloads, guides, links to my creative projects and goodness to purchase.

I don't hang out much on social media but I do post a lot more art and publishing type content to IG - If you’re on IG drop me a follow.

CM 11 - Zero To Keynote - The Book

Zero to Keynote is a book for the budding conference speaker. It is packed full of insights, information and advice around all of the stages of conference speaking, from submissions, to building the talk, to delivering with purpose and enthusiasm.

Limited printed copies are available but it is also available as an ebook. Check out the product page for more.

The Zero To Keynote book - now available

CM 10 - Take A Day Off - Physical ZINE

My first printed book - a Zine about taking a day off, ignoring the siren call of the masses, and managing the tension between work and life.

Meet Colin, who never took a day off.
Meet Malcolm who was attacked by seagulls.
And meet Prickles, who pooped in next door’s garden.

Along with insights, poems and a series of posters all designed by yours truly.

Book Details and purchase links.

CM 09 - The A-Z of Agility Poster

A poster outlining the A-Z of business agility.

Article and poster here.

CM 08 - Join Our Company (Free eBook)

A field guide to building a brilliant recruitment and onboarding process. Do you want WOW, MEH or WTF when people join your company?

Find out more and get the free eBook here.

Join our company book cover

CM 07 - The 10 Behaviours of Effective Employees (Free eBook)

A free eBook about building a solid culture and career by focussing on behaviours. 10 of them to be precise.

Grab the book plus a whole host of extra resources here.

CM 06 - The Blazingly Simple Guide To Surviving A Conference (Free eGuide)

A free eBook that took no longer than an hour to put together, but has gone on to be a well respected fun guide for getting the most from a conference.

Immediate PDF download.

CM 05 - Remaining Relevant and Employable - eBook

My first ever published book is about remaining relevant and employable. Still proud of this one.

Details and link to the book here.

CM 04 - Forget Time Management - Energy and Attention Is Where It's At - eBook

An eBook exploring how to focus on energy and attention rather than time management. Aimed at managers and leaders but useful for all.

Book details and link to purchase here.

CM 03 - Cultivated Creativity - 30 ideas (free guide)

This was a failed LinkedIn experiment – their publishing platform didn’t play ball. So, I turned it into a free eGuide instead.

Immediate PDF download.

CM 02 - The Diary Of A Manager (Free eBook)

Newly refreshed and more relvevant than ever, this is a story of a manager who tried his best, but was blamed for the downfall of CBPBOS.

It's a fictional story relevant to today's world. Read the diary and laugh, whilst also exploring some important topics of ethics, morals and doing the right thing.

This is a refresh (in Sep 2024) version of a very old short story. Many people have said it made them cry with laughter.

PDF Immediate download version.

Leanpub version.

CM 01 - The Social Tester (eBook)

I used to run a successful blog called The Social Tester back when I was a software tester.

It's still alive, although I don't post to it anymore.

I took the best articles, and some unpublished ones, and pulled them together into a book which can be bought here.