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business agility

An image of a car going past a window leaving a streak of colour due to being shot on a slow shutter speed

What is business agility? And how do you release it? In this article I share the 5 step thinking model designed to help you find ways to move smoothly and quickly.

A drawing of a large circle containing several smaller circles.

Building an internal coaching or consulting function is a joy, but always realise you are a cost - as such, what can you do to connect your work to value?

A graphic showing two circles, one within the other, and the words cycle time aligned to each circle

In this article I explore what cycle time is and why it's a useful measure for business improvement.

A graphic showing the word better repeated consistently all over the image.

In this podcast I talk about Step 5 of the Releasing Business Agility model; learning - and how we can learn to make the business better.

A simple black page with the words Routines and Habits at work on it

In this article, I share ideas about Step 4 of the Releasing Agility model. This is also episode 4 in the Releasing Agility mini series.

Your people need a plan too - Building the Team to get it done

In this article, I share ideas about Step 3 of the Releasing Agility model. This is also episode 3 in the Releasing Agility mini series. Transcription (May contain errors). This is the 3rd episode in a mini series about releasing business agility. A model I use with clients all over

A digital drawing showing a mountain with an office on it - and the words plan outside of the office

In this article I explore why we need a plan - but blindly following the plan is not the goal - the goal is to adapt.

An image showing a couple sat on a bench in Oslo, Norway

In this article I share how to create a rich, compelling painted picture of the future - the basics of the Releasing Agility model but also a foundation for effective strategies.

A photo of someone on a bike jumping through the air

People won't say anything useful if their competition is in the room. We're in business together, we're all connected, so why would we compete?

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