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business agility

My team walking in Poland after a meal

A high performing team is made up of high performing people, exhibiting high performing behaviours, with high performing managers.

A photo of a Caterham at Silverstone raceway

One of the most obvious observations (and challenges) I face when working with leaders and managers, is the perennial problem of dealing with low performance of some employees. It’s quite common for managers to simply move low performing people around the business, further away from any important work (sadly)

A diagram of the future on one side of a line and the current reality at the other

Backcasting is simply working backwards from an ambitious future state. In this article I share how to do this - and use a simple grid to plot out a plan.

A collage image showing an old Toyota Hilux parked on a road, with a red moon in the sky and the words goals overlayed

Goal setting is an important aspect of life and business - and in this guide I share how to set them - and delivery on them

The A-Z of Business Agility - 26 insight and a cool poster

The A-Z of business agility and why agile is not an end goal

A photo of a Volvo Amazon parked in Maastricht

In this article I share 10 powerful ways to move people into action. Without being a tyrant!

A photo of a kids puzzle

In this article and video I share how i use a simple children's puzzle to teach over 20 lessons about business agility.

A simple graphic with the word fail on it

In this article and video I share 5 reasons why your strategy may be failing, from lack of clarity to no communication.

Why business agility is not being released

In this story I cover how a business leader was struggling with an agile transformation and what she could do.

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