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communication skills

A photo of some soft balls

There's a time for harder, more direct communication - and a time for a much gentler approach. It helps to be able to switch between the two.

The conference speaker checklist

In this post you will find a handy checklist for the budding conference speaker. It contains a list of preparation points and logistics, as well as idea about a good talk.

A photo of the warm and fluffy clouds from inside an airplane

In this article I explore a non-scientific interview question to understand communication behaviours and why communication approaches should be adaptable.

A modified image of a vending machine with the heart as an available product

In this article I share a story about a boss who was like a vending machine - until he went on some communication training - and it all changed.

A hand-drawn graphic showing someone sat at a computer on a video call

One of the best ways to build trust with other people is to be clear, accurate and consistent - enter the idea of Time Speak.

A drawing of someone sat under a tree reading a book

In this episode I explore the idea that there is a book being written about your company - and you're the author of your chapter in it. What do you want it to say?

A photo showing Rob Lambert in both a driving outfit and a suit

In this video (and article) I share some science insights into how our clothing affects first impressions - as well as how our clothing affects our own productivity and effectiveness.

A photo of some batteries

DISC is a wonderful tool for working out our natural preferences for work style and communication. However, it's also pretty powerful for understanding our energy management too.

A diagram showing the ascending career ladder

This four step career model shows how communication skills not only opens career pathways, but are required to play at these levels too.

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