problem solving Some ideas for solving problems In this article I share some ideas for solving problems.
creativity problem solving Creative Problem Solving In Work In this article I explain why creativity in work is essential to overcoming problems, how to do it and the cycle of creativity I use with clients.
problem solving Reflecting on work - Was it worth doing? We often don't take the time to reflect on our work and ask a powerful question - "was it worth doing?".
creativity problem solving Lateral Thinking for problem solving Lateral thinking is about opening the mind and thinking side-ways. In this article I share how to do this.
problem solving communication skills Appreciate what is working with an appreciative inquiry An appreciative inquiry is a workshop focussed on what is going well - only positive aspects of work. Here are 9 steps to running a successful appreciative inquiry.
problem solving How I use solve problems using A3 Thinking A3 Thinking is a problem solving technique. It's very powerful. In this article and video I share how I use this model.
problem solving systems thinking 13 powerful ways to spot systemic problems In this article and video I share 13 powerful ways to spot systemic problems in the workplace.