What are we saying “No” to?

In this post I ask what are you saying "No" to - and is it a conscious decision?

What are we saying “No” to?

Every day in a venture backed business is busy. With more work to do than we have people, energy or time, it required a near constant prioritisation of work, and reaction to the changing marketplace.

With competition at every turn and a growing consumer base, not to say anything about the demands of our investors, it became 10 years of permanent decision making.
One thing that stuck with me from this time though, was a simple saying we would use. Alongside the ever-present question of “What problem are we trying to solve?” was another phrase.
“If we do this, what are we saying no to?”

  • If we implement this new piece of architectural enhancement, what are we saying no to?
  • If we automate this piece of the process, what are we saying no to?
  • If we hire for this role, what role are we saying no to?
  • If we direct energy and attention on this new feature, what are we saying no to?

 The list goes on.
This question works in your own life too. I’ve already spoken (and done a video) about The Pillars of Life. This question works there too.

  • If I take this job with great prospects, but with a demanding work pattern, what am I saying no to?
  • If I learn this new skill right now, what am I saying no to?
  • If I start my own business, what am I saying no to?
  • If I start this new fitness routine, what am I saying no to?

We cannot possibly achieve everything we want to in work and life. We cannot possible solve every problem, learn every new skill, overcome every single obstacle, meet every single person, spend time doing everything we want, etc.

What do we need to say No to?
By thinking through what you’re saying "No" to we have the chance to think about the options, the consequences, the alternatives.
By simply trying to do everything, we will come undone.
Yet in business I see it every week and month. Companies who are trying to do everything at once. Managers who are taking on too much. People who are overworked and taking time away from their families.
It’s about tension. Balancing the tension needs care, attention, evidence and thought.

  • What are you doing today that you know you shouldn’t have taken on?
    • What can you do about it?
  • What decisions do you need to make at work this week?
    • What are the alternatives?

And more importantly, what are you giving up in your personal life for work? And is it worth it?
We’re all in different seasons of life, with different opportunities, needs, desires, motivations and privileges. It’s not always easy to answer these priorotisation questions.

But I can tell you this from personal experience, when we say yes to too many things, we come undone in the end.
If you want more about balancing the pillars of life – check out this post.
Until next time – go forth today and weigh up the yes and no list. And decide using evidence and insight, what’s worth investing your energy and attention on. Then commit to it and do it and say no to anything that doesn’t move you forward.