stoicism wellbeing Stoicism for leaders - 9 impactful lessons from the ancients In this article and video I share how Stoicism could be helpful for leaders and managers.
systems thinking change strategy Positive change in your company - 6 powerful levers to pull In this article and video I share 6 powerful systemic levers you could pull to make dramatic positive change in your business.
process improvement What is design? And why it matters in business delivery In this article and video I share why design should matter to leaders and managers - and not just the design of the products and services - but how work gets done.
career management Career Management - 5 Tips to help you grow your career In this article I share 5 ways to boost your career - by treating it like a project.
Succession planning - 5 steps to do it right In this article I share how to put in place succession planning for the business.
painted picture goal setting pillars of life Set goals and paint a bright picture of your life In this article and video I share how to paint a picture for your life.
Being a scrum master sucks - 10 reasons why In this fun article I jest about how being a scrum master sucks. It's a joke - it's a great career.