The Warm and Fluffy Test - Adaptable communication In this article I explore a non-scientific interview question to understand communication behaviours and why communication approaches should be adaptable.
Your people need a plan too - Building the Team to get it done In this article, I share ideas about Step 3 of the Releasing Agility model. This is also episode 3 in the Releasing Agility mini series. Transcription (May contain errors). This is the 3rd episode in a mini series about releasing business agility. A model I use with clients all over
Vending Machines, active listening and listening with your heart and brain In this article I share a story about a boss who was like a vending machine - you knew the options you had and you got the responses you needed. Until he went on some communication training - and it all changed.
The plan is not the business In this article I explore why we need a plan - but blindly following the plan is not the goal - the goal is to adapt.
How to design potential futures In this article I explore the future thinking archetypes and how the future belongs to those who can communicate about it.
How to paint a picture of the future for your business (or team) In this article I share how to create a rich, compelling painted picture of the future - the basics of the Releasing Agility model but also a foundation for effective strategies.
Competition fosters silence In this article I explore how people won't say anything if their competition is in the room - and why we're in business to provide something different - not beat the competition.